Luminary Library

What is a Luminary?
It’s a person who enlightens or inspires others and in doing so, we hope to inspire you.

Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

Paramahansa Yogananda

Yogananda’s writings and teachings helped launch a spiritual revolution in the west and his initial impact on the western culture was truly impressive, but his lasting spiritual legacy has been even greater and continues as strong as ever to this day.

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

Panache Desai

Born in London, England, UK / Spiritual Teacher / Visionary / Speaker. Panache Desai is a contemporary spiritual teacher and inspirational visionary whose gift of vibrational transformation has drawn thousands of people from around the world.

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

Nick Ortner

Nick is CEO of The Tapping Solution, LLC, a company with a mission to bring into the mainstream a simple, effective, natural healing method known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or Tapping. Tapping is a healing modality that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. Nick’s goal is to empower people to create healthy, abundant, and stress-free lives through his books, films, CDs, online events, and speaking engagements attended by participants from all over the world.

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

Neal Donald Walsch

Writer Walsch is the author of the bestselling Conversations With God series. Walsch says that his books are not channeled works but rather that they are inspired by God and that they can help a person relate to him from a modern perspective. His vision is an expansion and unification of all present theologies to render them more relevant to our present-day and time.

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

Mastin Kipp

Entrepreneur, Author, Inspirational Blogger. Maston Kipp is a 33-year-old entrepreneurial storyteller from Los Angeles, California. He is the founder of The Daily Love (TDL), the website, daily email, and Twitter account that’s merging pop culture with inspiration. The Daily Love inspires almost 600,000 people a day. Bloggers on The Daily Love have included Russell Simmons, Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, Omar Epps, and Kim Kardashian.

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

Mark Hyman MD

Mark Hyman, MD, believes that we all deserve a life of vitality—and that we have the potential to create it for ourselves. That’s why he is dedicated to tackling the root causes of chronic disease by harnessing the power of Functional Medicine to transform healthcare. Dr. Hyman and his team work every day to empower people, organizations, and communities to heal their bodies and minds, and improve our social and economic resilience. 

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

The goal of the Transcendental Meditation technique is the state of enlightenment. This means we experience that inner calmness, that quiet state of least excitation, even when we are dynamically busy

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

Louise Hay

Author, Speaker, and Publisher Louise Hay is a motivational author and the founder of Hay House Publishing and Hay House Radio. Recently dubbed “the closest thing to a living saint” by the Australian media, Louise Hay is also known as one of the founders of the self-help movement.

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Jiddu Krishnamurti, whose life and teachings spanned the greater part of the 20th century, is regarded by many as one who has had a most profound impact on human consciousness. Sage, philosopher, and thinker, he illumined the lives of millions the world over: intellectuals and laymen, young and old. He gave new meaning and content to religion by pointing to a way of life that transcends all organized religions. He confronted boldly the problems of contemporary society and analyzed with scientific precision the working of the human mind. Declaring that his only concern was to “set man absolutely, unconditionally free”, he sought to liberate man from his deep conditioning of selfishness and sorrow.

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

Khalil Gibran

Khalil Gibran (born Gubran Khalil Gubran) was born to a Maronite Catholic family from the historical town of Bsharri in northern Lebanon. As a young man, he emigrated with his family to the United States where he studied art and started his literary career. As a result of his family’s poverty, Gibran received no formal schooling during his youth. However, priests visited him regularly and taught him about the bible, as well as the Arabic and Syriac languages. Much of Gibran’s writings deal with Christianity, especially on the topic of spiritual love. His mysticism, however, is a convergence of several different influences: Christianity, Islam, Sufism, Hinduism, and theosophy.

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., is a scientist, writer, and meditation teacher internationally known for his work in bringing mindfulness practices, especially Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), into the mainstream of medicine and society. He is a professor of medicine emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, where he was the founding executive director of the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society, and founder (in 1979) and former director of its world-renowned Stress Reduction Clinic.

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

Joan Borysenko PhD

Medical Scientist, Psychologist, Author, Teacher, Mystic. Dr. Joan Borysenko is a pioneer in integrative medicine and a world-renowned spokesperson for this new approach to health. She has a clear vision to bring science, medicine, psychology, and spirituality together in the service of health and healing. As a scientist, clinician, and teacher, She has been on the leading edge of the mind-body revolution.

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

Jean Houston

Spiritual Teacher, Philosopher, Author, and Speaker. Dr. Houston is a scholar, philosopher, and researcher in human capacities and is considered one of the foremost visionary thinkers of our time. She has a Ph.D. in psychology and Religion in addition to being the recipient of several honorary doctorates.

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

James Van Praagh

Medium, Author, Teacher, T.V., and Radio personality. James Van Praagh is considered one of the most celebrated and respected clairvoyants and mediums working today. He has brought mindful awareness of the subject of “communication with the dead” into the public psyche for the past thirty years.

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

Jane Roberts

Jane Roberts was an American writer and trance channel who was the forerunner of many contemporary psychic and channeling practices. She is best known for producing a large volume of spiritual work known as the Seth Material. Seth was the entity that Roberts allegedly channeled for more than twenty years. This resulted in a large number of books and recorded sessions, many of which are widely circulated on the internet and elsewhere today.

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

James Redfield

James Redfield grew up in a rural area near Birmingham, Alabama. As a young man, he studied Eastern philosophies, including Taoism and Zen Buddhism, while majoring in sociology at Auburn University. He later received a Master’s degree in counseling and spent more than 15 years as a therapist to abused adolescents. During this time, he was drawn into the “Human Potential Movement” and turned to it for theories about intuitions and psychic phenomena that would help his clients.

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

James F. Twyman

Author, Filmmaker, Musician. James Twyman is The New York Times bestselling author of fifteen books, including Emissary of Light, The Moses Code, and Barn Dance. In 1994 he put peace prayers from the twelve major religions to music and began traveling the world as The Peace Troubadour, often being invited by world leaders and peace organizations to perform the concert in countries at war.

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Robin Baker Leacock Robin Baker Leacock

Gregg Braden

Author Braden began his career working with several large corporations as a computer specialist; however, for the last two decades, he has attempted to bridge spirituality and science by exploring and expounding on the deeper truths of Quantum Physics.

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